Monday, January 3, 2011

Thou shalt not kill...

The State of Missouri has scheduled an execution for January 12.

Where is the Catholic outrage?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Latest from CAN

Dear Friends of CAN,

Women Led Prayer is this Saturday, August 28th, at 11 am. We will gather at 1077 S Newstead. All are welcome for inclusive, creative, woman led liturgy!

Next week please join Union Ave. Christian Church and Instead of War for an
Interfaith Breakfast.
Countdown to Withdrawal with Raed Jarrar
Join us for a talk by Raed followed by a discussion.

Friday, September 3rd from 8-9:00 am (Raed Jarrar will be available for more informal discussion between 9-9:30 for those who can stay)
Union Ave. Christian Church
733 Union Boulevard
St Louis, MO 63108-1037

RSVP by Tuesday, August 31st to or call Megan at 314.721.2977. More information available at

What can we as people of faith do to respond to what is left behind in Iraq(military contractors,military bases, troops and destruction)?
How do we educate ourselves and our faith communities around this issue?
What other resources do we need to continue working for peace?

The U.S. occupation of Iraq continues and the reduction of U.S. troops in Iraq can at best be called only a rebranded occupation. While the number of U.S. troops in Iraq will be reduced from a high of 165,000, there will still be 50,000 troops left behind, some 75,000 contractors, five huge “enduring bases” and an Embassy the size of Vatican City. The U.S. military’s overthrow of the brutal dictatorship of Saddam Hussein did not lead to a better life for Iraqis—just the opposite. It resulted in the further destruction of basic infrastructure—electricity, water, sewage—that continues to this day and the war has drained our treasury, leading to huge hardships as home. The War has not made us more secure.

Please join us to hear from Raed Jarrar, is an Iraq-born architect, blogger, and political advocate based in Washington, DC. He is currently the Iraq consultant for the American Friends Service Committee, and a Senior Fellow at Peace Action. Jarrar is half Iraqi and half Palestinian. He holds a degree in architecture from the University of Baghdad, and a Master's Degree in Architectural Engineering, specialized in post-war reconstruction, from the University of Jordan.

After the fall of Baghdad in 2003, Jarrar worked as the country director of CIVIC Worldwide, the only door-to-door civilian casualties survey in Iraq since 2003. He also founded Emaar, an NGO that carried out humanitarian and reconstruction work in Baghdad and southern Iraq. After immigrating to the U.S. in 2005, Raed Jarrar has been working on a number of projects aimed at ending the U.S. occupation.

Jarrar gained attention after an incident on August 12, 2006 at John F. Kennedy International Airport. Raed had attempted to board a JetBlue flight from New York City to Oakland, California while wearing a black T-shirt with the text "We will not be silent" in English and Arabic. After a lengthy exchange with airport staff, Jarrar was made to cover his t-shirt with another T-shirt bought for him by JetBlue staff from an airport gift shop. On August 13, 2007, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit against JetBlue alleging illegal discrimination against Jarrar. In January 2009 JetBlue paid Jarrar $240,000 to settle the case

Megan Heeney

Catholic Action Network
314.766.8713 cell
314.721.2977 work


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Words to ponder

“I hope whatever emerging Christianity is,” said Franciscan Fr. Richard Rohr, a featured speaker at the conference, “it’s going to be much more practice-based than doctrine-based. Where has this obsession with believing correct doctrines gotten us? The Roman church is right back into it, although maybe that’s why God is humiliating us, to say: ‘This obsession with being right and having the whole truth, look where it’s gotten you, Roman church,’ ” he said in a not-so-thinly veiled reference to the then-breaking story that the shadow of the clergy sex abuse scandal had darkened the door of the papal palace. “It might well be in the great scheme of God’s grace the only way to bring us to humility, to balancing all of our absolutely certain knowing with a necessary unknowing.”

COME DISCUSS ..... and weep?

Hi Friends of CAN,

On July 15, 2010, the Vatican issued a clarification of its canonical procedures for how dioceses should handle priests who sexually abuse children. As part of the statement, they have said that the “attempted ordination of a woman” has now been added to the list of “delicta graviora,” or most serious crimes in church law, alongside the sexual abuse of minors.

Many of us have been deeply hurt by the Vatican's statement due to its inadequate response to sexual abuse of children and its oppression of women.

Please join us this Sunday, July 25th from 12:30-1:30 at the Center of Survivors (1077 S Newstead). This will be an opportunity for us to process our feelings about this statement, as well as a chance to gather with others who are interested in further action. Thank you and we hope to see you there.

Megan Heeney

Catholic Action Network
314.766.8713 cell
314.721.2977 work

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

CAN Events:

Catholic Action Network

Hi Friends of CAN,

* Please join us this Saturday, July 17th, at 11 am for Women Led Prayer at CTSA(1077 S Newstead), if nice weather across the street outside. The feast day of Mary of Magdala is approaching on July 22nd, join us to celebrate her witness this Saturday morning and again with the Sisters of St. Joseph on Thursday, July 22nd

* Join Call To Action members throughout the US who will be withholding funds from this year's Peter's Pence(USCCB information on Peter's Pence available here.) "Send the Bishops a Message"by withholding funds during the Peter's Pence Collection on Sunday, June 27th. Catholics are encouraged to print the following flyer and drop it in the collection basket to let the pope know that we do not approve of his handling of the sexual abuse crisis. It reads: "This year for the Peter's Pence collection, I'm sending advice rather than money...." The flyer can be found here. Please share this with people in your parishes and communities.

Donate to disaster relief through reputable organizations and encourage the Pope to do the following;
1. For the protection of children around the world, institute a zero-tolerance policy for those credibly accused of sexual assaults on children.
2. For the healing of the survivors, insist that bishops publish lists of all credibly accused and the parishes in which they served.
3. Donʼt ask for forgiveness until you and the bishops have amended your ways to act with transparency—just, inclusive & accountable.

Thank you! For more information see

If you are what you should be, you will set the world on fire. Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring. Cry out with a million voices: it is silence that kills the world.
– St. Catherine of Siena
Megan Heeney

Catholic Action Network
314.766.8713 cell
314.721.2977 work

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

CAN Events:

Hi Friends of CAN,

Please join us this weekend for Women Led Prayer, PrideFest and Gather Again in the Garden with the Shareholders of JPS at McGurk's.

* Women Led Prayer, Saturday, June 26th, at 11 am at The Center for Survivors (1077 S Newstead). Come enjoy inclusive, creative women led liturgy.

* PrideFest this Saturday and Sunday from 11 am to 8 pm in Tower Grove Park. Pride Parade is at noon on Sunday!

* Gather in the Garden with the Shareholders of Justice and Peace Shares on Sunday, June 27, 2010, 4:30 - 6:30pm at McGurk's Irish Pub, 12th and Russell in Soulard (map). Accoustical music by City Lark, appetizers and first drink provided. Bring a new Justice and Peace Shareholder and you and your guest attend free. $10 suggested donation.

Also join CTSA and the Palestine Solidarity Committee as we welcome back Hedy Epstein to speak about her experiences with the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in late May and early June. Saturday, June 26th at 7 pm at CTSA, 1077 S Newstead. Suggested donation for Free Gaza Movement: $5.00

CAN's next book group is meeting August 10th at 7 pm to discuss "Between a Barack and a Hard Place: Racism and White Denial in the Age of Obama" by Tim Wise. The book is available at a discounted rate at Left Bank Books.

Hope to see you this weekend. More information available at

Megan Heeney

Catholic Action Network
314.766.8713 cell
314.721.2977 work

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Oh sooo right...

If Bishop Olmstead had been around when surgery was novel, he would certainly have been right there with the boys who excommunicated the first medics to grab a knife.


If a bishop offers you medical advice, get a second opinion.