Tuesday, July 13, 2010

CAN Events:

Catholic Action Network

Hi Friends of CAN,

* Please join us this Saturday, July 17th, at 11 am for Women Led Prayer at CTSA(1077 S Newstead), if nice weather across the street outside. The feast day of Mary of Magdala is approaching on July 22nd, join us to celebrate her witness this Saturday morning and again with the Sisters of St. Joseph on Thursday, July 22nd

* Join Call To Action members throughout the US who will be withholding funds from this year's Peter's Pence(USCCB information on Peter's Pence available here.) "Send the Bishops a Message"by withholding funds during the Peter's Pence Collection on Sunday, June 27th. Catholics are encouraged to print the following flyer and drop it in the collection basket to let the pope know that we do not approve of his handling of the sexual abuse crisis. It reads: "This year for the Peter's Pence collection, I'm sending advice rather than money...." The flyer can be found here. Please share this with people in your parishes and communities.

Donate to disaster relief through reputable organizations and encourage the Pope to do the following;
1. For the protection of children around the world, institute a zero-tolerance policy for those credibly accused of sexual assaults on children.
2. For the healing of the survivors, insist that bishops publish lists of all credibly accused and the parishes in which they served.
3. Donʼt ask for forgiveness until you and the bishops have amended your ways to act with transparency—just, inclusive & accountable.

Thank you! For more information see www.catholicactionnetwork.org

If you are what you should be, you will set the world on fire. Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring. Cry out with a million voices: it is silence that kills the world.
– St. Catherine of Siena
Megan Heeney

Catholic Action Network
314.766.8713 cell
314.721.2977 work

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