Thursday, July 22, 2010

COME DISCUSS ..... and weep?

Hi Friends of CAN,

On July 15, 2010, the Vatican issued a clarification of its canonical procedures for how dioceses should handle priests who sexually abuse children. As part of the statement, they have said that the “attempted ordination of a woman” has now been added to the list of “delicta graviora,” or most serious crimes in church law, alongside the sexual abuse of minors.

Many of us have been deeply hurt by the Vatican's statement due to its inadequate response to sexual abuse of children and its oppression of women.

Please join us this Sunday, July 25th from 12:30-1:30 at the Center of Survivors (1077 S Newstead). This will be an opportunity for us to process our feelings about this statement, as well as a chance to gather with others who are interested in further action. Thank you and we hope to see you there.

Megan Heeney

Catholic Action Network
314.766.8713 cell
314.721.2977 work

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